Artist Statement
Named after a Caribbean Trade Wind and a cheap Cognac drink, Alizé was born in France in 1986, a Pisces with Scorpio rising. A few weeks after her flat was burglarised, back when she was still in high school, she received an envelope lined with bubble wrap, with two thousand euro inside of it, and no return address. She bought a Nikon FM camera.
Self-taught, and fascinated by colour palettes since she was a toddler (from boxes of felt-tip pens to make-up counters) she uses all the colours of the rainbow in the paintings, drawings, and collages, she has been at gallery Nuke/Mannerheim in Paris since 2011, and has created album covers for Babyshambles and Peter Doherty.
Author of four novels in French: Pâle Sang bleu, (2007); Roman à clefs, (2010) which was awarded the “coup de cœur du jury” at Prix des Lilas; Neverdays, (2013); and Ataraxia(2017), she also translated Jon Savage’s The England’s Dreaming Tapes into her mother tongue. Both Anglophone and Anglophile she is now working on a new novel in English, and lives in Palermo, Sicily, where she works with clay at MUD pottery studio.